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The Regional Nature Park

parc naturel regional golfe du morbihan

The Regional Natural Park of the Gulf of Morbihan

Officially created in the fall of 2014, France’s 50th Regional Nature Park covers an area of 81,200 km², including 17,000 km² of “area of maritime interest,” encompassing the entire Gulf of Morbihan (Ile aux Moines excepted) as well as most of the bordering lands.

Priority of priorities: to preserve the natural and cultural environment through a concerted project of sustainable development, in which the 33 municipalities of the territory are involved. The Regional Nature Park is not a territory under a bell jar. Relying on the slogan of the Natural Parks “another life is invented here”, it does everything possible to reconcile economic development (about forty economic actors of the territory are labeled “Regional Natural Park Values”), preservation of the environment and enhancement of cultural heritage.

Discover the Regional Natural Park of the Gulf of Morbihan

Ornithological reserve of the marshes of Séné

The seahorse : THE EMBLEM of the Natural Park of the Gulf of Morbihan

Its emblem, the speckled seahorse, underlines the importance of this approach: once common, it has now become rarer in the “small sea”. The good news is that the latest studies conducted by the Vannes Aquarium have revealed a marine environment that is in better health than specialists feared. In concrete terms, many actions are carried out in favor of the preservation of biodiversity in the park, such as the installation of pontoons for the nesting and safeguarding of the common tern, a migratory species emblematic of the Gulf of Morbihan.

A strong identity

The Gulf of Morbihan represents 17,000 hectares of maritime space dotted with islands and islets, a concentration of landscapes, a mosaic of environments of major ecological interest, exceptional animal and plant species and men and women fully involved in its preservation and the supervision of its development.

A park open to all!

In order to discover the numerous birds that inhabit the park, discovery outings (with a fee) are organized from April to September. But that’s not all, the RNP also organizes exhibitions, publishes many documents including a guide to good practices at sea. Every two years, the Park honors numerous sustainable development initiatives during a large festival involving all its member municipalities.

Finally, it manages the island of Ilur, which can be reached by its own means. Property of the Conservatoire du littoral, the island is exemplary, whether it is the autonomy in resources (water, electricity), waste management, pastoralism with sheep of local race … You will be welcomed by the coast guards who provide visits to the site in season. Bivouacs, dogs and fires are forbidden.

The partners of the Tourist Information Office  “Marque Parc Naturel Régional Gulf du Morbihan” label”…